POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.windows : Dried-Up Desert Texture : Dried-Up Desert Texture Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:19:24 EST (-0500)
  Dried-Up Desert Texture  
From: Chris Harrison
Date: 3 Feb 2000 17:08:45
Message: <3899FC63.8E258F28@ChrisHarrison.co.uk>
I have created a pretty swanky texture which simulates how a desert or
river-bed dries and crackles up. However, it is a skin texture (which I
have applied to a plane): and where the cracks are, you can see through
it. What I am trying to achieve are extruded segments, so that the
surface has depth.
As far as I know, all POV textures are skin textures - so, whatever
transformations I do to them, I assume that they will always remain as
skin textures (i.e. although I have it on a plane, a 2D surface;
applying it to a huge cube, and transforming the texture so it has depth
in the appropriate axis won't do me much good). I tried doing the
upside-down ground fog trick (underneath a hollow plane), but that
didn't work at all.

Other than using a height map (which is just kinda inconvenient for the
scale I'm talking about), I can't think of anyway to do this... Does
anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks :^)

Chris Harrison

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